Private Commissions: Private commissions tend to be requests from an individual for a site specific work small to life-size and typically these commissions are to decorate a room in a home, an outdoor sculpture for a terrace, or fountain, or larger bronze pieces to flank a driveway entrance for the ultimate personal statement which both invites and guards the drive to one’s home, setting off the private drive from the public way.
Public Commissions: These commissions usually begin with a phone call to discuss a project of large presence to set in a public space. Often it is a single person or a small group of interested and motivated people who want to raise money to erect a monument of some civic importance in their town. Considerations of fundraising, non-profit status, permitting, and acquiring approval from municipal authorities for a site on town properties must be addressed; I can help with my experience of over 26 years in this business.
To start a new commission you need to…
- Call to discuss your idea (207) 532-4141
- Let your idea develop through dialogue with the artist.
- Discuss budget: overall cost, progress payments.
We will be looking to find out:
- Indoor or outdoor location
- Which medium you would like to have your commission created in
- Desired Size (which is a primary price determinator)
- Timeline
- Scope of your project
- Fundraising plans (if needed)
Some larger projects require additional funding and fundraising becomes a necessity. Glenn will work directly with the commissioning organization to create a fundraising plan that will work for your organization.
- Scale model as a gift to large donors or direct sales
- Bronze or resin reliefs of statue or monument in situ
- Relief coins of monument
Project Management
- Progress payments linked to progress of the work
- Payment plans
- Opportunities for studio visits or progress reports through photos and through public presentation if necessary